Earnings per share calculator

Earnings Per Share Calculator
Earning Per Share



What is Earnings Per Share, or EPS?

To figure out a company’s earnings per share, divide its profit by the number of shares of its common stock that are still in circulation (EPS). This number is used to figure out how profitable a business is. It is common for a company to report earnings per share (EPS) that have been changed to account for unusual items and possible share dilution.

How to figure out earnings per share?

To figure out earnings per share, just use the following EPS formula:

EPS = (Net income minus dividends on preferred stock) / the average number of common shares in circulation


Net income is the company’s total income (profit), which is calculated by taking total sales minus all costs.

Dividends on preferred stock: Preferred stock is a type of asset that gives its owners priority over common stock. Preferred shares have a higher dividend and are safer because if a company goes bankrupt, the money goes to these owners first.

However, they can’t vote. Dividends on preferred stock are simple payments made to the owners of the stock every month or every three months.

The average number of common shares that are still owned by shareholders is called the average number of common shares outstanding. This number changes over time. For example, it goes up when the company gives out new shares and goes down when it buys back old ones.

What is the point of the EPS?

Earnings per share is one of the most important things to look at when figuring out how profitable a company is in general. It’s also a big part of figuring out the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, where E stands for earnings per share.

By dividing the share price by the earnings per share, an investor can figure out how much the market is willing to pay for each dollar of earnings.

Earnings per share is one of many ways to figure out which stocks to buy (EPS). If you want to buy and sell stocks or invest in them, the next step is to find a broker who can help you with your investment goals.

Investors may not care about comparing EPS in absolute terms because ordinary shareholders don’t have direct access to earnings. Instead, investors will compare EPS to the price of a share of stock to figure out how much earnings are worth and how optimistic they are about future growth.

Diluted EPS vs. Basic EPS

The formula in the table above is used to figure out each of these companies’ basic EPS. Basic EPS doesn’t take into account the effect that giving out more shares has on earnings.

If a company’s capital structure includes stock options, warrants, or restricted stock units (RSU), and if these investments are used, the total number of shares on the market could go up.

Companies also report diluted earnings per share, which assumes that all possible shares have been issued. This helps show how new securities affect earnings per share.

For the fiscal year that ended in 2017, NVIDIA’s convertible instruments could be used to create and issue a total of 23 million shares. When this number is added to the total number of shares out there, the diluted weighted average number of shares out there is 541 million + 23 million = 564 million. So, the company’s diluted EPS is $1.67 billion divided by 564 million, which equals $2.96.

In order to figure out a fully diluted EPS, it is often necessary to change the numerator. For example, a lender may offer a loan with the option to turn the debt into stock if certain conditions are met. The convertible debt-created shares should be counted in the denominator of the diluted EPS calculation, but if that happened, the company would not have paid interest on the debt. In this case, the company or analyst will add back the interest paid on convertible debt into the numerator of the EPS calculation so as not to change the result.

Earnings per share (EPS) from operations that are still going on

At the beginning of the year, a company had 500 stores and a $5.00 EPS. But let’s say that the company closed 100 stores during that time and ended the year with 400. An analyst will be interested in the company’s earnings per share for just the 400 stores it plans to keep open in the next quarter.

In this case, the EPS could go up because it’s possible that the 100 stores that were closed were losing money. By measuring EPS from ongoing operations, an analyst can better compare the performance of the past to the performance of the present.

Capitalization and Earnings Per Share

A key part of EPS that is often overlooked is the amount of capital needed to make the earnings (net income) that are used in the calculation. If two companies have the same earnings per share (EPS), but one of them has less net assets, then that company is more efficient at using its capital to make money and, all other things being equal, is a “better” company in terms of efficiency.

The return on equity is a number that can be used to find businesses that do a better job (ROE).

Dividends and EPS

Even though EPS is used a lot to measure how well a company is doing, shareholders don’t have direct access to its profits. Some of the profits may be given out as dividends, but the company can choose to keep all or part of the EPS.

For shareholders to get more of these profits, their representatives on the board of directors would have to change how much of EPS is given out as dividends.

Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E) and Earnings Per Share (EPS) (EPS)

Using the P/E ratio to compare companies in the same industry group could be helpful, but in ways you might not expect. Even though it may seem like a stock is “overvalued” if it costs more compared to its EPS than similar stocks, this is usually not the case. Investors are willing to pay more for a stock, no matter what its past EPS was, if it is expected to grow or beat its peers. During a bull market, the stocks in an index with the highest P/E ratios often do better than the average of the index.

How do you know if an EPS is good?

What makes a good EPS will depend on things like how well the company is doing right now, how its competitors are doing, and what analysts think about the stock. The EPS of a company may go up, but the stock price may go down if analysts were expecting a higher number.

Even if analysts were expecting the company to do even worse, a drop in EPS can still cause prices to go up. Always look at EPS in relation to the stock price of the company, such as by using the P/E ratio or earnings yield.

What’s the difference between dilute EPS and basic EPS?

Analysts sometimes talk about the difference between basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share. The basic EPS is found by dividing the company’s net income by the number of shares that are still in circulation. It is the most common metric used by the financial press and the simplest way to explain EPS.

Because it includes a broader definition of the company’s outstanding shares, diluted EPS will always be the same as or less than basic EPS. It includes shares that aren’t currently in circulation but could be if stock options and other convertible securities are used.

What is the difference between Earnings Per Share (EPS) and Earnings Per Share (EPS) that have been adjusted?

Adjusted EPS is a type of EPS calculation where the analyst changes the number in the numerator. Most of the time, this means changing or removing non-recurring parts of net income. For example, if the company’s net income went up because of a one-time sale of a building, the analyst might subtract the money made from that sale, which would lower the company’s net income. In that case, adjusted EPS would be less than basic EPS.