Roman Saini (IAS) Net Worth in 2025 : Best Life Lessons from Roman Saini

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In this post we are going to talk about Roman Saini (IAS) Net Worth in 2025.

Roman Saini is special in what way?

He says nothing. Although he says he is the same as everyone else, his accomplishments set him apart.

At the age of 22, he cleared UPSC Civil Services, which has an acceptance rate of less than 0.01% and is considered one of the toughest examinations in the world.

It’s not his only accomplishment.

Roman Saini

At the age of 16, he cleared the entrance exam for AIIMS and published his first paper in a ran influential medical journal before turning 18. 

Roman Saini Net Worth in 2025

In 2014, after clearing UPSC Civil Services, he was a Junior Resident at NDDTC in Psychiatry for six months before resigning.

He was Madhya Pradesh’s collector and was the youngest IAS. 

Unacademy is Roman Saini’s entrepreneurial venture after he resigned from his previous position.

IAS aspirants can watch free online coaching and tutorials, take part in webinars, and listen to motivational speeches on the Unacademy website. 

Roman Saini’s net worth in 2021 will be 18 Million Dollars.

Roman Saini - Net Worth

 Founder of Unacademy & Entrepreneur, Dr. Roman Saini is an educator, entrepreneur and a doctor.

 There are no born geniuses and anyone can achieve whatever they want in life if they have the knowledge, talent and   caliber.

 To get over fear of pushing one’s limits, one needs to get over their parents’ or society’s expectations. 

  Learning how to learn is the first step to success, according to him. You must train for a challenge before you take it on. 

  One of Roman Saini’s TED talks discussed certain points one should keep in mind to push themselves and achieve greater things in life. Among them were:

  Roman Saini Net Worth : Life Lessons from Roman Saini

1. Risk friendly

The safety net needs to be abandoned. It is more dangerous to be seduced by safety than by risk. Risks should, however, be taken with calculation, he adds.

2. Luck

In addition to luck, random distribution also plays an important role.

With the click of a button on a computer, you have access to knowledge in any discipline and stream. Therefore, proving its value is difficult.

3. Confidence

Often asked if confidence is more important during an exam or generally, he says he is frequently asked this question.

According to him, you will never be able to get over your fear of taking an exam even after studying for 50 years.

Knowledge is more important than confidence. Confidence comes and goes.

A 1000-hour commitment will make you better than 95% of people.

According to him, rationality and logic should be a part of every person’s outlook.

4. Stop

Do not complain, do not argue with others, especially with irrational people who might make you feel stupid before beating you up.

You should also stop trying to figure out what you want to be when you grow up. 

5. Roman’s Rituals

It is not Roman’s personal rituals, but a set of rituals that all Roman soldiers follow.

It includes eating healthy, exercising, sleeping (7 to 9 hours), and refraining from drinking and smoking since they decrease cognitive capacity. 

6. Delayed Gratification 

There is a psychological concept known as delayed gratification.

By simply delaying the gratification of immediate results, one will gain more in the long run. 

7. Be Decisive 

Don’t let someone else make your decision for you. In the course of making a decision, there will always be factors that act as hurdles.

It is not easy to make decisions when faced with indecision. 

Roman Saini Life Lessons Motivational Video

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Anikesh Singh

Anikesh Singh is an SEO specialist and full-time contributor at Affiliatebay. Anikesh writes everything from website building tips to designing, and even dives into website hosting and web building tips – all in a way that won't make your head spin. When he's not deep in the web development trenches, Anikesh kicks back with a good book and enough coffee to make your local barista blush. If you're navigating the wild world of websites and want advice in a language that doesn't sound like a tech manual, Anikesh is go-to guy!

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