ASO Metrics and KPIs: How to Measure Your App Success

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An app’s success depends not just on its creativity or ease of use, but also on how well it’s marketed and received in the App Stores.

App Store Optimization (ASO) plays a crucial role in determining whether an app stays hidden or becomes popular.

While many developers focus on building and designing the app, the smartest ones know that success after launch is all about ASO.

But how can you measure how well your ASO efforts are working? The key is to understand and analyze the right metrics and KPIs.

Understanding the Basics of ASO Metrics and KPIs

App Store Optimization (ASO) isn’t just a one-time task; it’s an ongoing effort. In the crowded app marketplace, every app competes for attention.

ASO helps ensure your app stands out and attracts your target audience. Creating an innovative app is just the beginning. The real challenge is making sure your app gets noticed among countless others.


Measuring Success with KPIs

To know if your app is gaining attention or just getting lost, you need to look at Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). KPIs are essential for ASO.

They measure how visible your app is, how satisfied users are, and where improvements can be made. Each KPI provides important insights, helping you adjust your ASO strategies.

Adapting to Change

The mobile app environment is always changing. User preferences shift, competitors improve, and algorithms update.

To keep up, you need to continuously monitor and respond to KPIs. By doing this, you ensure your app remains relevant and successful, adapting to new trends and staying in sync with the market.

Monitoring your ASO Performance: The Most Important Metrics

1. App Visibility


  • When people see your app in the store, it’s called an impression. The more impressions, the better, because it means more potential users are noticing your app. But, the ultimate goal is to convert these impressions into actual downloads.

Store Listing Visitors (Apple: Product Page Views, Google: Store Listing Visitors):

  • This metric tells you how many people visit your app’s page in the store. If many people visit but few download, it suggests that your app’s presentation (like images or descriptions) might need improvement.


Tracking downloads is essential. There are two main types:

  • Organic: Users find your app on their own.
  • Paid: Users find your app through ads.

Organic downloads can be further divided into:

  • Understanding these categories helps you see how different users discover your app and how likely they are to download it.
  • Search: Found through specific searches.
  • Explore/Browse: Found while browsing.

Keyword Rankings:

  • Keywords are crucial for app discovery. By using the right keywords, you can make your app appear in relevant searches, leading to more impressions and downloads.

By focusing on these key metrics and understanding their importance, you can improve your app’s visibility and success in the app stores.

2. Conversion Rate:

  • Definition: The percentage of people who visit your app’s page and then download it.
  • Variation: What’s considered a good conversion rate can vary depending on the app and the market.
  • Goal: The goal is to continuously improve this rate to grow your user base.


  • Apple vs. Google: Each platform measures conversions differently. Knowing these differences allows you to tailor your optimization strategies accordingly.

Enhancement Strategies:

Stellar Visuals:

  • Attraction: High-quality images and videos attract users and give them a clear idea of what your app looks like and how it works.
  • Professionalism: Good visuals make your app appear more professional and trustworthy.

Crisp Descriptions:

  • Clarity: Clear and concise descriptions help users quickly understand what your app does.
  • Feature Highlighting: Emphasizing unique features helps your app stand out and shows users why they should choose your app over others.

Spotlight Unique Features:

  • Differentiation: Highlighting what makes your app unique helps it stand out in a crowded market.
  • User Benefits: Clearly explaining how these unique features benefit users can persuade them to download your app.

Addressing User Feedback:

  • Engagement: Actively responding to user reviews shows that you care about user experience.
  • Improvements: Making changes based on feedback can improve your app and make it more appealing.
  • Trust: Users are more likely to download an app from a developer who listens and responds to feedback.

By focusing on these strategies, you can improve your app’s conversion rate, turning more visitors into users.

3. Rating and Reviews:

User Feedback:

  • Impact: Ratings and reviews are essential. A high rating can attract more users, while negative reviews can drive them away.
  • Influence on Rankings: Good ratings boost an app’s ranking in the store, making it more visible. This visibility leads to more downloads and more feedback, creating a cycle of growth.

User Trust:

  • Decision Factor: Users often look at the app’s rating and reviews before deciding to download.
  • Featured Reviews: Positive reviews reassure potential users. On the other hand, negative reviews without responses can decrease the app’s appeal and reduce downloads.

Acting on Feedback:

  • Negative Reviews: While they may seem discouraging, negative reviews offer important insights.
  • Quick Response: Addressing negative feedback promptly shows users that you care about their experience and are working to improve the app.
  • Transformation: By listening to and acting on feedback, you can turn dissatisfied users into happy and loyal ones.

By understanding and acting on user feedback, you can improve your app’s rating, increase visibility, and boost downloads. Responding to both positive and negative reviews helps build trust and enhances the app’s reputation.

4. Organic vs Paid Installs:

Organic Installs:

  • Higher Quality Users: Users who find your app organically are usually looking for something specific, so they are more likely to be interested in your app.
  • Better Engagement: These users often show higher levels of engagement because they chose your app based on their needs.
  • Greater Retention: Organic users tend to stick around longer since they were looking for an app like yours in the first place.

Paid Installs:

  • Immediate Boost: Paid advertising can quickly increase the number of downloads, helping to raise your app’s visibility in the short term.
  • Potential Downsides: If you rely too much on paid installs, you might not notice problems with your ASO. This can lead to spending more money to acquire users without addressing underlying issues that could improve organic growth.
  • Inflated Costs: Over-relying on paid installs can result in high acquisition costs, making it expensive to maintain user growth.

By understanding the differences between organic and paid installs, you can make better decisions about your app marketing strategy.

Focusing on improving your ASO will help attract more organic users, leading to better engagement and retention, while paid installs can be used strategically to boost visibility when needed.

5. Downloads Velocity

Download Velocity:

  • How It Works: Download velocity measures the speed at which users are downloading your app over time. This metric is particularly important for keyword-specific searches.
  • Ranking Influence: Apps with higher download velocities for certain keywords rank better in the app store searches for those keywords.

Benefits of High Download Velocity:

Higher App Ranking:

  • Apps that are downloaded quickly and frequently for specific keywords move up in the rankings for those keywords.
  • Higher rankings make your app more visible to potential users searching for those terms.

Increased Impressions:

  • As your app climbs the ranks, it gets shown to more users.
  • More impressions mean that more people are seeing your app, which increases the likelihood of downloads.

More Downloads:

  • With increased visibility, more users are likely to download your app.
  • This boosts your overall download numbers, further improving your app’s ranking.

Potential for Higher Revenue:

  • More downloads mean more users, which can lead to increased revenue if users make in-app purchases or view ads.

By focusing on increasing your app’s download velocity, especially for key search terms, you can improve your app’s ranking, visibility, and overall success in the app store.

6. Revenue

Why Revenue Matters:

  • Importance: Revenue is a vital metric because it directly impacts the financial success of your app.
  • Tracking: ASO managers need to monitor revenue to ensure their strategies are effective.

Challenges with Organic Revenue Estimation:

  • Difficult to Measure: It’s not easy to separate the revenue generated solely from organic downloads.
  • Complex Factors: Many factors influence revenue, such as user behavior and market conditions.

Increasing Impressions and Downloads:

  • More Users: Increasing the number of people who see and download your app is important.
  • No Guaranteed Revenue: However, more downloads don’t always mean more revenue. If you’re attracting non-paying users or targeting low-revenue markets, your revenue might not grow.

Aligning with Business Goals:

  • Target Audience: It’s essential to target users who are likely to spend money on your app.
  • Market Focus: Focus on markets that generate higher revenue.
  • Goal Alignment: Ensure that your ASO strategies align with your overall business goals to achieve sustainable revenue growth.

Keyword Optimization:

  • Keywords are essential for helping users find your app. ASO tools help you discover and use the most effective keywords, increasing your app’s visibility. This is especially important for new apps trying to gain traction.

Monitoring Competitors:

  • Knowing how your app compares to others helps you identify areas for improvement. ASO tools provide insights into competitors’ strategies, helping you refine your own approach and stand out in the market.

Visual Optimization:

  • Visual appeal is crucial. Tools that allow for A/B testing of app visuals and descriptions provide valuable data on user preferences. By continually refining these elements, you can improve your app’s attractiveness and increase download rates.

Using ASO tools makes the process of optimizing your app more efficient and effective, ensuring that your efforts are strategic and data-driven. This leads to better visibility, higher downloads, and ultimately, greater success in the app store.

Quick Links:

Conclusion on ASO Metrics for app success

An app’s success relies on a mix of good development, design, effective ASO, and user feedback.

By closely examining ASO metrics and KPIs, developers and marketers can create strategies that boost visibility and ensure long-term success in the constantly changing mobile market.

If you need help improving your ASO and marketing results, contact us. Our ASO experts are here to assist you.

Aishwar Babber

Aishwar Babber is a passionate blogger and a digital marketer. He loves to talk and blog about the latest tech and gadgets, which motivates him to run GizmoBase. He is currently practicing his digital marketing, SEO, and SMO expertise as a full-time marketer on various projects. He is an active investor in AffiliateBay and a director in ImageStation.

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