We’ve signed up for Foreclosure Academy to bring you the facts about this newly-discovered money-making tool.
After going through all 37 classes, we are here to answer the question, “Is Foreclosure Academy legit?”
If you are reading this article, chances are good that you have heard of Foreclosure Academy and you are curious to know whether or not it lives up to the hype.
After all, the claim is that you can make a ton of cash by helping people who have lost their properties to foreclosure.
I am sure you are wondering, “Is this for real? How can I make any money by helping someone who’s already lost almost everything?”
Well, that’s what the webinar series was designed to teach you.
You might be dicey about investing in Foreclosure Academy without getting more information. It is, after all, a new and untapped, basically hidden opportunity.
Since there aren’t a lot of reviews out there about Foreclosure Academy yet, I decided to go through the entire series of classes myself and write a review of what I experienced.
Read on to discover whether Foreclosure academy is legit or a bust.
Foreclosure Academy: What Is It?
According to their website, Foreclosure Academy promises to teach you how to “make anywhere from $20,000 to $50,000” from foreclosures that have been executed all over the United States.
Even people from other countries are encouraged to save their seats in their Tax Foreclosure Workshop to learn how to make money from the huge well of over a thousand properties that are foreclosed on annually in the US.
This leaves many people scratching their heads at how even someone who doesn’t live in America can benefit from these foreclosures.
The key is this: these properties were all seized from people who were unable to pay their mortgages or taxes. These seizures were done by either the United States government or by banks.
When this happens, the bank will typically sell the property at a discounted rate to recoup their losses, but what about the additional profit they gain?
There is a surplus of cash left that they aren’t entitled to, and not many people are even aware of it, and the banks certainly aren’t telling the property owners.

For example, if John’s home is worth $200,000, but he only owes $100,000, the bank will foreclose if he misses payments, even though he’s paid a great deal of money.
The same is true of the government if he doesn’t pay his taxes.
Once these entities foreclose on John’s property, they will auction it to make up for their losses. But let’s say they get the $200,000 value of the property.
Since John only owed $100,000, he is liable for that extra money bank made from the sale, minus any fees if applicable.
The bank or government is supposed to share this with John and make sure that he gets that extra cash, but of course, they do not.
Millions of dollars are stolen annually from people who are already down on their luck.
This is where it gets good. Foreclosure Academy teaches you how to find and reclaim that money for both you and the property owner who lost it. Sounds good? Let’s look deeper.
How Can Foreclosure Academy Make You Money?
As their ads explain, anyone who follows the steps in the webinar series will learn how to get back these missing funds for the property owners and make a hefty figure for themselves in the process.
The truth is, once you’ve learned the process and put in the work, you can get as much as 30% to 40% of the amount that you help the property owners recover.

If they recover $100,000, for example, you’re getting $30,000 to $40,000. You may be wondering why Foreclosure Academy would teach this to the public.
After all, wouldn’t they rather keep all of that potential for themselves?
Sadly, despite the US government moratorium on foreclosure, these instances increased by over 9% in the first half of 2021, and 30% from 2020 to 2021.
With over 30,000 property foreclosures taking place just in October of 2022 in the US, there is no danger in sharing the wealth and no limit to who you can help.
Foreclosure Academy: What You Can Expect?
Let’s take a look at what you can expect when you sign up for Foreclosure Academy. There are 37 classes in this webinar series, with videos, PDFs, and online books to help you along the way.
You will also have access to the online classes, coaches, and community through an exclusive Facebook group.
Foreclosure Secrets Course
The First Course of Foreclosure Academy is called Foreclosure Secrets and focuses on finding leads, locating those leads, and the paperwork & attorney assistance needed to move forward on those leads.
The sections are as follows:
* Member’s Area: Before you begin the actual course, the first lesson is called the Member’s Area, where you can download your 56-page guide, watch an introductory video, and get the link to join the exclusive Facebook group.

1. Foreclosure Secrets: This lesson features a 34-minute video and covers tax sale overages and mortgage overages. There is also a 14-page book included that you can download. It explains these topics in detail.
2. Lead Generation Secrets: This video is almost an hour long and is full of vital information about generating leads. A 30-page book can be downloaded here as well to fully grasp lead generation and how it can work for you.
3. Skip-Tracing Secrets: A 15-page book download and 24-minute video help teach you the secrets of finding contact information for the people you are hoping to help.
4. Lead Outreach Secrets: This class features a 17-minute video and a 13-page book that shares a sample phone call script, letters, and other information to teach you the best ways to approach the property owners that you hope to work with.
5. Overage, Paperwork, and Attorney: For this lesson, there is a half-hour video and a 51-page downloadable book full of information to show you exactly how to go about hiring an overage attorney, and how to complete paperwork for the entire process yourself.
Since coaches and personal assistants handle all of the work for the Fast Track students, the rest of the lessons are not necessary for you.
For those who don’t join Fast Track OR if you just want to learn the entire process anyway, the following lessons are available:
6. Outsourcing Secrets – This lesson shows you how to outsource the work that others can easily handle for you. An hour and forty-five-minute video and nine pages of knowledge are available in this section. Those who did not take advantage of the Fast Track program can learn how to hire their assistant and “busy workers” to take care of background work.
7. Auto-Dialer Secrets – A five-minute video and 6-page file teaches you how to use auto-dialer software to either play a recorded message for you or connect you with a live person. Although auto-dialer machines can be costly, this lesson also shows you how to find a free version and when it is time to upgrade.
8. Business Setup Walkthrough Part One- Forty-seven minutes and thirty-five pages teach you how to build your brand online. This is a detailed lesson that would be awesome for anyone in any business and can make you a lot of money, regardless of what type of business you decide to do.
Note: Remember, those who sign up for the Fast Track program do not need to take sections 6, 7, and 8 since the coaches and your assistant will take care of all of this part of the work for you.
Business Setup and Walkthrough Section 8, Part Two
The 8th section of the first Course is broken up into 2 parts.
Part Two is its course which teaches those who did not sign up for the Fast Track program how they can set up their business website, etc. Its sections are:
- How to Install and Setup Xampp
- How to Download and Install WordPress
- How to Install Plugins and Activate the Theme
- How to Customize the Theme
- How to Move WordPress from Local Server to Live Website
Note: This section of lessons has a wealth of knowledge and would be beneficial for anyone in any business.
Learning how to set up a business website is an extremely valuable bonus in this series!
Foreclosure Secrets Implementation Training Course
This section leads you through questions and answers to help you implement everything that you have learned so far.
Role-playing sessions give you practice in putting your knowledge into action.
These lessons are as follows:
- Introduction and Q&A
- Q&A
- Tax Leads Outreach
- CRM Insight
- Role-Playing and Q&A Part 1
- Role-Playing and Q&A Part 2
- Role-Playing and Q&A Part 3
- CRM Insight/Googling Lead
- Role-Playing and Q&A Part 4
- Q&A
- CRM Contact Tab
- CRM Skip Tracing
- Skip Tracing Workshop
- CRM Contact and Opportunities Tabs
- Finding Leads on Realauction.com
- Using Propsteram.com
- Researching Court Dockets
- Finding Additional Leads
Foundations of Overage Business Course
The final course in the Foreclosure Academy webinar series is Foundations of Business Overage.

Weekly calls with your coach and community will help see where you are in the program and which areas you might need improvement in.
This will lead you through the final four sections:
1. Emotional Resiliency | Weekly Leadership & Mindset Call
2. Growth vs. Fixed Mindset | Weekly Leadership & Mindset Call
3. Self-Discipline | Weekly Leadership & Mindset Call
4. Unwavering Purpose | Weekly Leadership & Mindset Call
What I Thought of the Program
For me, this was a very detailed course of lessons on everything that I could need to get started and be successful in this business.
It is a good feeling, knowing that my hard work not only makes money for myself and my family but helps property owners who’ve lost so much.
The book downloads, video lessons, and time with the coaches gave me a ton of information and knowledge that is almost impossible to find anywhere else.
The access to a community full of people who were also learning made this even easier and much more fun.
While ForeClosure Academy provides crazy value in this deal, there is no denying that you also need to put in some hours from your end to reap the benefits later.
Once you get this business rolling, you can easily build the passive income stream that you have always only dreamed of.
So what are you waiting for? Hit the button and join today!
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