How to Do Keyword Research? : A Complete Guide For 2025

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Keywords are the foundation of SEO. If no one searches for the subject you’re writing about, Google will get no traffic—no matter how hard you try.

That is why we produced the beginner’s guide. It provides a solid framework for keyword research adaptable to your website and objectives. In a few years, we utilized the same foundation to increase our blog’s monthly search traffic from 15,000 to over 700,000.

Additionally, we made a concerted effort to eliminate jargon while retaining attention to detail. After each segment, we’ve added links to some further resources if you’re interested in learning more.

Allow me to begin.

What Exactly Do You Mean By Keyword Research?

The procedure of doing keyword research is to ascertain the search phrases utilized by your target market. When establishing content marketing SEO and pay-per-click campaigns, keyword research is a significant initial step in audience analysis.

These criteria are highly valued by keyword researchers who understand search intent, keyword difficulty, and keyword popularity.

What Exactly Do You Mean By Keyword Research

Why is Keyword Research Required?

Keyword research is the process of determining which keywords are relevant to your company and determining your Google ranking for these terms. Numerous arguments exist for why keyword research should be the primary emphasis of a digital marketing effort. Several possible theories include the following:

  • Identifying blog and outreach keywords may assist in increasing website traffic: Search engines can only rank your website if they are acquainted with your company. By incorporating keywords into several pages of your website, you boost your chances of getting ranked by Google for those terms.
  • Keyword research may tell more about what people want than what they want: Keyword research may provide critical information such as the keywords for which you now rank, the keywords for which it is relatively straightforward to rank, and the terms for which your rivals rank.
  • Having a working knowledge of your brand’s and company’s keywords enhances comprehension: What are you trying to sell? What kind of services do you offer? If you’re uncertain, identifying keywords may help you establish your identity.

Why is Keyword Research Required?

While keyword research is a necessary first step in every digital marketing campaign, it should be a continuous process. You should frequently examine your keywords to identify your position about your competition.

Following your keyword study, create content and keyword-focused pages. When paired with many other SEO techniques, this may aid in ranking and discovering your website.

What Questions Should You Ask Before Conducting Keyword Research?

Before you can aid a business in increasing via search engine optimization, you must first understand the company, its clients, and its objectives.

Here is an example. Frankie & Jo’s (vegan based on Seattle ice cream parlor) has heard about Search Engine Optimization and wants to boost the visibility and frequency of organic search results.

It is necessary to have a more profound knowledge of their clients to assist them. You may address the following inquiries:

  • Where are possible customers located – on a local, national, or worldwide level?

Why Why do ice cream seekers do what they do? Are customers explicitly looking for health-conscious ice cream, or are they just looking to satisfy their sweet tooth?

  • How do individuals go about finding ice cream? What terminology are they employing? What are the questions they are posing? Are mobile searches increasing more popularity?
  • When do folks want ice cream, munchies, and sweets, among other things? Are there seasonal tendencies that persist throughout the year?
  • Who is searching for these terms?
  • What kind of ice cream, sweets, and snacks are consumers looking for?

What Questions Should You Ask

Finally—and here is the kicker—how can you contribute to creating the most beautiful ice cream content to foster community and meet the requirements of all those people?

These are crucial planning steps that will help you guide your own keyword research and aid you in developing more exciting content.

How Will I Find Keyword Ideas?

I’ll demonstrate a methodology for keyword research that you may use to get a list of keywords to target. This way, you can create and implement a strong keyword strategy that will aid you in identifying the search terms that matter to you.

Step 1: Create a list of critical, pertinent concerns based on your company’s knowledge:

First, identify the basic categories for which you want to do a ranking. You’ll build between five and ten subject buckets based on your assessment of their relevance to your organization. Then, you’ll employ those subject buckets to help in further keyword development.

If you’re a regular blogger, you’ll notice that these are the most often discussed subjects. Or maybe these are the most often discussed subjects during sales contacts. Consider your buyer personas – what subjects would your target audience seek out your firm for?

For instance, if you were a firm like HubSpot — which offers marketing solutions (and also happens to have some excellent SEO tools… but I digress) — you may have the following buckets:

  • “Marketing automation” (8.5K)
  • “Marketing analytics” (6.2K)
  • “Blogging” (19K)
  • “Inbound marketing” (21K)

Are you referring to the parenthesis immediately after each keyword? That is the monthly volume of their searches. This data helps you ascertain the relevance of these problems to your audience and the number of different subtopics you may need to develop content to rank for this keyword. To have a better grasp of these sub-topics —

Step 2: Fill these buckets with keywords: 

After settling on a few emphasis areas, it’s time to identify some keywords that fit inside those categories. These are the keyword phrases that you believe are crucial for ranking in the SERPs (search engine results pages) since your target consumer will likely search for them specifically.

Consider the last topic bucket for an inbound marketing software firm — “marketing automation” — I would create some keyword phrases that I believe people would use to search for that subject. Among them are the following:

  • Superior automatic tools
  • Email marketing automation
  • Lead supervisor
  • Determining if I need marketing automation software.
  • What does automated marketing entail?
  • How to make the most use of marketing software?
  • How to make the most use of marketing software?

And so on. This is not the last stage in selecting your keyword phrase. You should conclude with a list of words that prospective clients may use to get information about that specific bucket issue. Later in the process, we’ll restrict the lists to ensure that you don’t wind up with anything too burdensome.

While Google is continuously encrypting new terms, another innovative method of generating keyword suggestions is to study how your website is being discovered.

You’ll need website analytics tools like Hubspot’s sources or a Google Analytics report, which you may get using the Traffic Analytics tool.

Expand your investigation of your website’s traffic sources and examine your organic search traffic bucket to determine the search terms visitors use to locate your site. Repeat this task as often as your buckets allow.

Keyword Research 2

Step 3: Analyze and comprehend how purpose influences keyword research:

As previously said, user intent now plays a crucial role in deciding your ability to rank effectively on search engines such as Google. Today, it is more crucial that your web page addresses the issue that a searcher is looking to fix than that it contains the searcher’s term. How does this affect your keyword research?

While it is essential to take sentences at face value, keywords may have various meanings underneath the surface. Because the purpose of a search is critical to your ranking potential, extra care should be used when interpreting your target keywords.

Assume you’re researching an article on “how to start a blog.” The term “blog” may relate to either a blog post or a blog website, and the searcher’s purpose will impact the path your piece takes. Would you want to learn how to create a blog article yourself?

Or are you curious about how to establish a website domain specifically for blogging purposes? If your content strategy is primarily focused on the latter, you’ll want to double-check the term’s intended audience before committing.

It’s a good idea to input the phrase into a search engine and examine the results to ascertain the user’s intent. Ascertain that Google’s content type closely matches the kind of content you want to create for a particular phrase.

Step 4: Conduct keyword research:

This is an innovative approach that you may not have considered before doing keyword research. In the absence of such lists, filling them is a great strategy.

If you’re having difficulty coming up with alternative keywords for a specific topic, have a look at the search phrases that display when you input a phrase into Google.

When you enter a keyword into Google and scroll to the bottom of the search results, you’ll see several search recommendations related to your initial input. These keywords may serve as a reminder of other phrases to consider.

Are you looking for a bonus? Enter some relevant search phrases and see the resulting pages.

Step 5: Conduct keyword research using your keyword research tools:

Ubersuggest, SEMrush, and Ahrefs are all excellent tools for producing new keyword ideas based on exact match and phrase match keywords, as well as keywords based on the concepts you’ve produced so far.

This practice may open your eyes to possibilities you were previously ignorant of.

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Conclusion | Keyword Research 2025

Congratulations! You now have a list of keywords to target the most relevant topics for your business and get both short- and long-term results.

Bear in mind that these terms should be re-evaluated every few months – once a quarter is a decent benchmark, although some firms like to do it more regularly.

As your authority in the SERPs increases, you’ll notice that you may add an increasing number of keywords to your lists to manage as you attempt to maintain your current position and expand into new areas.

Jitendra Vaswani

Jitendra Vaswani is a Digital Marketing Practitioner and renowned international keynote speaker who has embraced the digital nomad lifestyle as he travels around the world. He founded two successful websites, & Digital Marketing Agency DigiExe of which his success stories have expanded to authoring "Inside A Hustler's Brain : In Pursuit of Financial Freedom” (20,000 copies sold worldwide) and contributing to “International Best Selling Author of Growth Hacking Book 2". Jitendra designed workshops for over 10000+ professionals in Digital marketing across continents; with intentions ultimately anchored towards creating an impactable difference by helping people build their dream business online. Jitendra Vaswani is a high-powered investor with an impressive portfolio that includes Imagestation. To learn more about his investments, Find him on Linkedin, Twitter, & Facebook.

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